Montana Scenes | Summer 2021

 Here's my fourth and final MT blog from my trip this summer. I wanted to include some scenery shots and a few more foodie photos to round things up! Seems like I was blessed this year to catch a couple of sunrises and I even got some good photos. Since my sleep schedule was a little off from that early flight out of Seattle, I was able to see some sunrises. There's no shortage of incredible views in the part of MT where I'm from. It's been 21 years since I've lived there and when I return, I'm still finding new views. 

The first morning I got up at 5:30 and caught the sunrise. The mist by the mountains was a nice surprise. 

For the first three nights of my trip I stayed in this cute camper in my parent's yard. It was a little adventurous for me and a little different, so I liked it. The only problem was the random alarm clock hidden somewhere inside that went off every night at 12:29. By the third night, our family friend who owns the camper was able to find it and turn it off. There were also wild coyotes howling every night. And on the first night, I woke up to the sound and thought it was a bunch of girls screaming and having a party in the distance.   

The view outside my camper on the first morning.

Our friend made this yummy cheesecake with strawberry and rhubarb sauce for a pot luck we had. The fruit was from my mom's garden.  

We had a campfire with s'mores, because when in MT in the summertime, you have s'mores.

My parent's build a deck and they finally completed it the week before I came. I was able to enjoy a can of Rose on it and soak in the nice views! 

A cool reflection in the camper window. If you look closely, you'll see the moon. 

Once morning, my dad made Huckleberry Pancakes! 

My mom has quite a bounty of strawberries this year from her garden.

Some nice farm landscapes on the drive from Kalispell to Columbia Falls. 

We hiked about an hour up Columbia Mountain. I always love this beautiful waterfall! 

The Flathead River flows through Columbia Falls. In all the years I lived there and all the years I've visited since, I'd never thought to stop and take some pictures! But this year I did just that. 

The Flathead River is a popular spot of water sports of all kinds. 

A visit to MT wouldn't be complete without a drive to Glacier National Park to see Lake McDonald. My sons always love to go there and throw rocks. This year they actually waded in the cool water with my mom. They had a blast. The hardest part was getting out of the lake and drying off. Kind of a hard thing to do with no towels, but we made it work.

This view at Lake McDonald is an iconic one. 

Lake McDonald is a popular spot to be this summer. People were gathered once again and having a blast in the water.

On my last night, I went on the deck and took some shots right after dark. I love that dark blue night sky. In Montana, the sky is gigantic. That's why it's nicknamed Big Sky Country. 

And finally, the sunrise on my last day. I just happened to get up and use the bathroom and I saw the sun rising over the mountains. Such a special place full of so much natural beauty. 


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