Frankie and Jo's

Looking for something a little different than your typical ice cream? You've gotta try Frankie and Jo's on Capital Hill. If I didn't tell you it was a plant-based ice cream and also organic, vegan, and gluten-free, you wouldn't know. This was one of the most satisfying and unique ice cream cones of my life. And you know what? It was actually nutritious.

To make their ice cream they use cashew nuts, sprouting them overnight and making milk from it the next day. Then that fresh nut milk is churned into ice cream that we get the pleasure of eating. Then there's their waffle cones they make for that incredible ice cream. They are also gluten-free, but not free of flavor, that's for sure. They use pure maple syrup, oat flour, and brown sugar.

Then there's the unique ice cream flavors they offer. Ever had activated charcoal? I hadn't either and I was frothing at the mouth to try some of this grey and black ice cream that's all over Instagram. Cause just because my ice cream's black, doesn't mean my soul is, right? Okay, good.

Here they do a Salty Caramel Ash and they use cashew milk, coconut milk, cane sugar, coconut oil, cocoa butter, activated charcoal, vanilla extract, and sea salt. I ordered one scoop of that and one scoop of the Gingered Golden Milk, another interesting flavor I just couldn't resist getting. It had coconut cream, coconut milk, cane sugar, coconut oil, cocoa butter, fresh turmeric root, fresh ginger, candied ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, and sea salt.

I got both scoops piled prettily on their homemade waffle cone. And you know what? My taste buds were awakened anew that day because of how good that ice cream was. Since I'd never tried those flavors in ice cream, the experience was a fun and tasty one. The quality here was outstanding and I may never look at other ice cream the same again.

The Salty Caramel Ash was so smooth and didn't taste like charcoal at all. I got strong hints of caramel though, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, in my book. It was a little messy though, so grab some napkins. Hours later I found black ice cream on my face. Not so pretty when you're wearing it, folks.

The Gingered Golden Milk was also a winner of a flavor. I thoroughly enjoyed not only the bright and bold yellow color, but also the chunks of candied ginger. The flavors were so satisfying and smooth. And that cone was quite something, as I've never had one that good before. This ice cream cone from Frankie and Jo's was a triple success, between the two scoops and the cone, it was totally on point.

And yes, I let my family have some, because I wanted to share the love. And excuse my repetition, but there are two shots of my ice cream, because I wanted two different backgrounds to show it. So I hope you can get over that. And if you're ever near this place, get some for yourself!


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