Every December I do a wrap up of where I traveled during the year. We weren't jetsetters this year since our trips were all road trips.
In June, we drove to Portland, Oregon for our 10th wedding anniversary. One of the highlights was visiting the International Rose Test Gardens and seeing all of the gorgeous roses blooming.
July found us back to my roots in Montana, visiting family and sightseeing. My husband and I even got a night out in Whitefish, where we sipped on a glass of wine at the new Firebrand Hotel bar and tried cocktails at Spotted Bear Spirits. On our last full day in Montana, we drove to Glacier National Park. We enjoyed showing our boys all of the majestic views that Glacier has to offer.
Then in October, we spent some time on the Oregon Coast. And on our last day we even saw a rainbow from our hotel window.
Even though downtown Seattle isn't far, about two miles from our house, I still think of Seattle shots as travel images, too. Last month we had opportunity to visit the top of the Columbia Center, the tallest building in Seattle. The views from up high were incredible of the Seattle area and I won't forget it anytime soon. Looking up at Columbia Center and the surrounding buildings is always fun, too, and it was cool to get both perspectives.
The International Rose Test Garden in Portland, OR. Click here for my post. |
The vistas from Logan Pass in Glacier Park are always incredible. For more photos and to read about our visit, click here. |
The impressive yet rustic lobby inside the Firebrand Hotel in Whitefish, MT. |
A rainbow sighting out our window in Seaside, Oregon. And above, the Oregon Coast sparkles in the sun on a nice October day. Read more about our trip here. |
A black and white shot of downtown Seattle in November. Columbia Center is the black building to the right and I took this before we went up to the top. |
The views were awe inspiring and memorable from the 74th floor. You can read more here. |
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