A Visit to Semicolon Cafe in Bellevue


A Bulgogi Beef Sandwich from Semicolon Cafe. 

Being that my camera usually eats first, I love visiting aesthetic cafes and restaurants. At Semicolon Cafe in downtown Bellevue, you'll find just that. But not only do they have a space perfect for Instagram, the big draw is the food and coffee. Grab one of the unique and mouthwatering brioche sandwiches with egg and bulgogi beef, or ham, mushroom, or chicken. They also have sandwiches with bacon, or avocado, and even ones with smoked salmon. 

I had already had lunch, so I went with one of their specialty coffees. I selected the Tiramisu Latte and it tasted as delicious as you may imagine. It was a pretty strong espresso drink and gave me a good caffeine buzz. The coffee tasted rich and sweet, and I took my time sipping it. My husband wanted to try one of the sandwiches, so he ordered one with bulgogi beef. Bulgogi Beef is a Korean style of beef which is thinly sliced. His sandwich had scrambled egg with grilled corn, lettuce, beef, tomatoes, and bulgogi sauce on a brioche bun. It was a pretty nice sized sandwich and filled him up. He really enjoyed the sandwich and loved the flavor of the beef. 

They have plenty of seating and even a cool view of the downtown Bellevue skyscrapers. Check this spot out for delicious brioche sandwiches and strong espresso drinks! 

Semicolon Cafe 

10451 NE 2nd St 

Bellevue, WA 

(425) 223-5932


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