Snoqualmie Falls

The temps have been high in Seattle lately so yesterday my husband and I drove to Snoqualmie Falls.  Snoqualmie is a quick twenty nine miles east but it felt a world away from the noise and heat of Seattle.  Snoqualmie's beautiful with its trees, rivers, mountains and of course its majestic waterfall. 

Last time I visited the falls was twelve years earlier with my 35mm.  I took a series of black and whites for class, developed them into prints and received an A.  Funny how with today's technology I'm able to press two buttons and my black and white shot of Snoqualmie falls is pretty much the same shot as the one I took and slaved over in the darkroom years earlier. 

I was hoping to get close to the falls to feel the cold and refreshing spray but the trail to the bottom is closed until fall. The view from where we stood wasn't bad, especially if you can find a spot among the tourists with their cell phone cameras. 

After checking out the falls and shooting some photos, we walked over to the gift shop.  I love gift shops, not because I like to buy anything in them, but because I love laughing at the overpriced items and wondering who would purchase them. 

On the walk back to our car we checked out the exterior of the Salish Lodge, the hotel that sits at the top of the falls.  What a view that must be for its guests. 

Then we headed into the town of Snoqualmie and walked past the Northwest Railway Museum where trains were on display in front.  Then finally, we had a bite to eat at the Snoqualmie Falls Candy Factory.  We split a cheeseburger and I drank a Huckleberry Cheesecake Shake which was cold and delicious for a hot day.  After eating, we drove back to Seattle.  Sometimes a few hours away is all you need to feel refreshed. 

                                   The Salish Lodge, which sits at the top of Snoqualmie Falls. 

                                          The dining room entrance at the Salish Lodge. 

                                          The Railway Museum in downtown Snoqualmie. 

     Some candy and caramel corn on display at the Snoqualmie Falls Candy Factory in downtown.

   My half of the cheeseburger we split.  Each half came with a homemade caramel.  I haven't eaten mine yet so I don't know how it tastes.  Our burger also came with a side of potato salad. 

     My huckleberry cheesecake shake.  Pretty good but not the same as the huckleberry desserts in Montana.  But its huckleberries so I'll take what I can get!


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