A Kitchen Nightmare- My failed attemp at Baked Alaska

Happy February! Or is it?  Yesterday was National Baked Alaska Day and I really wanted to try one. Baked Alaska had been on my foodie list for some time now and after looking online for restaurants where I could order this dessert and not having any luck, I decided to try my hand at making it.  Well, to say the least, it was a Kitchen Nightmare. It ended up in the trash along with my dreams.  I went through a dozen eggs and tons of sugar, vanilla and Cream of Tartar. What a waste! I felt like I was on a cooking competition on the Food Network and losing miserably. My kitchen counter was covered in eggs, along with my floor, hands and cabinets. I will be lucky if my husband and I don't get salmonella poising from this little experiment. Luckily he was at work, so only I had to witness this.  Now let's talk about what happened to ruin my dreams of Baked Alaska.  I couldn't conquer the meringue.  Darn meringue, I hate you! I tried not one, but two times and each one failed. I beat and beat, whisked and whisked and still, no peaks! So I kept adding egg whites and sugar and still no peaks were forming! So a girl doesn't give up.  I just dumped the whole thing on the cake and ice cream and put it in the oven. Yep, it didn't turn out.  But oh well, its better than to have tried and failed then to never have tried.  Some famous person said this, I don't know who, what I use it all the time in my life. 

If you want to try making a Baked Alaska, you can find the recipe here.  This Baked Alaska recipe is from http://www.preparedpantry.com. Yes, that is how a Baked Alaska is supposed to look like.  I'm sure its  delicious too. Go ahead and laugh all you want. Note: after texting my brother, he told me that your egg whites have to be just that- egg whites. No yolk can be in your mixture at all. That was my mistake. Now I know and I can sleep tonight knowing the reason for such a Kitchen Nightmare!


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