Fresh Peach Pie

August is National Peach Month.  I don't know about anyone else, but I've been going peach crazy lately eating a peach almost every day.  They are so juicy and good plus full of vitamin C and potassium.   I like to slice them in a bowl and drizzle honey on them.  That's how I grew up eating peaches in Montana in the summers.  We would buy crates of them and the family would eat them up in a couple weeks.  Of course, my favorite way to have peaches is my mom's Fresh Peach Pie.  So I decided to make one today, it being one of the last days of August, an almost farewell to summer if you will.  My mom makes the best fruit pies ever.  But sometimes things skip a generation, making pie crusts being one of them.  Okay, I've never tried.  But when it comes to doing things in the kitchen I can get lazy.  Although I've watched my mom so many times over the years,  I prefer to buy the refrigerated pie crust ready to go.  So I bought three peaches today and sort of used her recipe for Fresh Peach Pie.  Her recipe calls for four cups of fresh peaches and since I only used three cups I had to adapt for the rest of the recipe.  How did mine turn out?  Really good, I'm satisfied.  It pretty much tastes like the peach pie I grew up eating expect the crust isn't as fantastic as hers.  But you can't win them all.  I love peaches and I can't wait for next summer so I can bake more stuff with them.

Here is the recipe I used today for my peach pie.  I used my mom's recipe but adapted it with the store bought crusts (oh, my!) and less peaches. 

Fresh Peach Pie

For a 9-Inch Pie

2 refrideraged pie crusts
3 cups fresh sliced peaches
1/3 cup sugar
2 T. flour
1/4 t. cinnamon

Heat oven to 425 degrees.  Take refrideraged crusts out of the fridge and set on counter for up to fifteen minutes.  Take one crust and put on bottom of pie pan.  Trim around the edges to fit.  Stir together sugar, flour and cinnamon; mix with peaches.  Turn into pastry-lined pie pan; Cover with top crust and cut slits in it; seal and flute edges.  Sprinkle a little sugar on top.  Because like always needs a little sugar on top.  Cover edges with a 2 to 3-inch strip of aluminum foil to prevent excessive browning; remove foil last 15 minutes of baking.  Bake pie 35 minutes or until crust is brown and juice begins to bubble through slits in crust. Remove from oven and cut yourself a nice slice and eat it.  Be careful not to burn your mouth like I did.  Add whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on top if desired. 


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