Making Malted Marshmallow Chocolate Fudge

 Christmas time for me means spending time in the kitchen making tasty things to eat. Every year I like to make fudge at least once or twice. I already made Cookie Butter Fudge and it was a hit with my sons. I saw a recipe for Malted Marshmallow Chocolate Fudge by the famous pastry chef, Christina Tosi of Milk Bar. I was craving something with chocolate and marshmallows and thought this fudge would be awesome. 

In the end, mine turned out really salty and seemed like it had too much molasses. Also, the molasses doesn't seem to mix well with the chocolate. And molasses is not cheap. I paid nine bucks for a jar. I did follow the recipe exactly, but I would suggest adding only half of the salt that is called for and only half of the molasses. If you make this recipe with my suggestions, leave a comment below and let me know if that works!

Here is where I found the recipe. 

Sometimes desserts and treats turn out so good, and other times not so much. What is your favorite goody to whip up during the holidays? Do you bake the same treats every year, or do you experiment like me and mix things up a bit? 


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