Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt

Thick and gooey chocolate chip cookies with a nice nutty, browned butter flavor. 

Today my son learned how to make browned butter. And I'd say that's an important life skill. Browned Butter pasta is one of his favorite dishes. But Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt is a recipe I'd always wanted to bake, but just never did. It takes a little while longer than regular chocolate chip cookies because you do have to brown your butter and wait for it to cool. But its oh so worth it. The smell of the butter when it starts to brown is a magical smell. Just watch it closely as you don't want the butter too dark and well, burnt. As soon as the butter turns to that light brown color, take it off the burner.

After the butter cools, its pretty easy to whip up the batch of cookies. I was happily surprised by the consistency of the cookie dough. Because of the browned butter, it was very soft and almost like caramel. No mixer was needed, because of how soft and buttery the dough was. Then we poured in our chocolate chips and stirred it into our dough. A small and safe sample was completed so we'd know how the cookies would taste.

My sons had so much fun pouring in the ingredients, stirring, and sampling. And they were more than happy to sample a cookie right out of the oven. I added a little Coursed Sea Salt to the cookies after taking them out of the oven. I love the flavor combo of chocolate and sea salt. These cookies were fun to make and took my mind off this yucky pandemic we're all in the middle of. Here's hoping for better times and lots more fresh baked cookies in our future!

I found the recipe here on I didn't make any changes, so just go to the link for the recipe!

Just dough it! 

Nothing like cookie dough full of chocolate chips! Since this had raw eggs and flour, I only had a small sample. This cookie dough tasted amazing! Gotta love that browned butter. It made the dough incredibly caramel-like in texture and taste. 

Fresh out of the oven and ready to get photographed! 

Capturing this cookie's good side. This one had a ton of chocolate chips! 

We're ready for our close-up! 

These cookies look good enough to eat! 

Up close and personal. 

And that's a wrap. Half of the batch went in the freezer for later! 


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