Blackberry Muffins

One of the reasons we love summer is because of the fresh fruit. And if you're lucky enough to have some growing in your yard, even better. We have wild blackberry bushes in our backyard. The last couple years the berries have really made an appearance. My sister- in- law gets excited and wants to come over and pick some.

This year I decided to make some muffins with the blackberries. I found a recipe for pretty basic muffins on I made some healthier adjustments to it. I used flax seed instead of an egg, almond milk, and whole wheat flour. The whole wheat flour made them a little too dense and not as flavorful, but the blackberries were the star. They gave the muffins a little more sweetness and they tasted so good warm out of the oven. When I finished a couple muffins, I had blackberry juice on my hands, so you know I enjoyed them. It was fun photographing the blackberries, picking them, and then baking muffins. And I didn't even have to leave my house. 

Blackberry Muffins

(Originally was Best Ever Muffins from


2 cups whole wheat flour
3 T. baking powder
1/2 t. sea salt
3/4 c. while sugar
1 T. Flax Seed plus 3 T. cold water, well combined
1 c. Almond Milk
1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 c. Fresh Blackberries


Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Stir together the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and add the flax seed mixed with water, almond milk, and olive oil. Stir together but do not overmix. Batter will be lumpy. Add blackberries and gently stir. Pour batter into paper lined muffin tin cups or into a non-stick silicone muffin pan. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.


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