A Visit to Bakery Nouveau in Burien

On the Bakery Nouveau's website, they describe visiting their bakery as a feast for the senses. I visited their new location in Burien and that summed up my experience perfectly. This gorgeous spot is certainly worth a visit and you may even feel transported to France. Upon entering the bakery, you'll be greeted with a very long display of eye catching things. The colorful and vibrant macarons are first, and they just beg to be purchased. You'll also find chocolates, pastries, breads, and sandwiches, and its quite hard to decide what to indulge in.

But we had to eventually choose, so my sons each picked a macaron-a lemon and a mint. My husband wanted a little bite of chocolate. So his pick was a small piece of dark chocolate with dark fruit. I've visited Bakery Nouveau's other two locations before, so I knew that their Twice Baked Croissants are heavenly and worth every calorie. I went with a Twice Baked Chocolate Croissant and I savored every delicious bite. There's really nothing like this croissant. From its crispy outside and almond paste and chocolate filling, and then topped with a small piece of chocolate, its a very popular choice at Bakery Nouveau.

Don't forget to look down at the floor of the bakery. You'll find a window looking downstairs and you can watch the bakers creating their magic.

The Burien Bakery Nouveau is special and way worth a visit. From the delicious aromas and incredible pastries, I could have pulled up a chair and stayed all afternoon.  


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