Instagramming my way through downtown

The seven Instagram images below were all taken on my smartphone and I took them all on drives around downtown with my family. My sons love drives around the city because they have a fascination with tall buildings, the Space Needle, and the Ferris Wheel on the waterfront. I wonder where they get this love from, hmmm...maybe from me?

When my family of four goes on a drive around downtown, my husband takes the wheel. I am then the DJ, the snack and Sippy cup person for the kids, and the cell phone snapper. I never expect to take any photos, but sometimes I do. And sometimes I'm lucky to get shots like these. 
The view from 6th Ave, driving towards the Space Needle, is a one way street and is lined with new, sparkly skyscrapers on each side.
The Columbia Tower, the tallest building in downtown Seattle, looms up towards the sky.
One raining afternoon we rented a Car2go Mercedes SUV for forty minutes just for fun and took it for a spin to downtown and back. The kids and I loved the sunroof and I couldn't help from shooting a photo of the Space Needle through the sunroof.
Here it is...the newest skyscraper in downtown, under construction, is located next to the Columbia Tower and should be completed soon.
Seattle's Ferris Wheel, called the Seattle Great Wheel, draws long lines during the day and is a popular attraction.  During the night, it lights up beautifully and is a nice addition to the waterfront.
Also on 6th Ave and under construction are the Amazon Biospheres. When I first saw them I was taken aback, wondering what they were. Seattle is changing fast and I'm glad I'm here for the ride.  
It all happens on 5th Ave, baby. Shoppers cross the street and commuters head home after a day at work. I took this this winter on one of the many rainy days we had (and still are having).

Thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me on Instagram at @kelliwongphotography so you never miss an image!


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