A Baby Shower for Carol

Today I attended a baby shower for one of my relatives.  She is having a girl, so everything was pink, pink, pink!  She is due next month and seemed very excited to become a mom.  The first thing all the ladies did was eat!  The table of food was filled with finger sandwiches, pasta, shrimp tapanade, cookies with pink icing, various mini cupcakes, pink Hershey Kisses and shot glasses filled with whipped cream and fruit. 

After having some finger foods and getting a slight sugar rush from the cupcakes, we played two games.  For the first one, they passed around a jar of Q-tips and each guest had to guess how many were in the jar.  I was only off by 75!  For the second game, someone walked around with a tray of fifteen different baby items such as shampoo, teething rings, washcloths and so on.  Then we had to memorize everything we saw and write them down.  I did terrible and only remembered a few things. 

Then the mommy-to be unwrapped all her presents.  She passed around each item and we all oohed and awed over all the precious girl outfits and the super soft blankets.  Then it was time for everyone to head home. 

We wish Carol and her family well as they will soon welcome their daughter into the world. 


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