A Ride above the City and the Bay - The Seattle Great Wheel

After eating dinner at Ivar's, we waited in line about forty minutes to ride the Seattle Great Wheel.  Since there was two of us, they put us in a gondola with a family of three.  Well, there goes that romantic ride in the ferris wheel.  Here's a thought:  If you're going to charge me and my husband almost thirty bucks for this twenty minute ride you should at least give us our own gondola, but that's just me.  They put us with a very talkative family who gabbed and jabbered and played with their phones the whole ride.  I didn't even get one kiss because of it! But that's the way the cookie crumbles and I got some pretty sweet shots while everyone else was talking away.  My favorite part was looking below and seeing all of that blue water.  I've always had a love of heights and the Seattle skyline looked nice from the whole new angle.  I didn't love it as much as the girl across from me who claimed she loved adrenaline and would probably jump into the water if she could.  Good thing the gondola had a glass enclosure.  All in all though, I enjoyed the views and the perfect summer night made the price almost worth it. 

This is the city we live in-Seattle, Washington.  This was taken from way up top, when our gondola was resting at the top of the wheel, so we were about four stories up. 

A new perspective of the skyline. 

Almost back on the ground again.  I shot this right before we excited our gondola. 
The view from back on the ground looking up at the Ferris Wheel.

After the ride on the Wheel and after experiencing some slight vertigo, we grabbed an ice cream cone and then walked back to our car.  By then it was past 8:00 and the summer night was getting chilly. 

We choose a Huckleberry Waffle Cone.  Here's to summer nights on the Seattle Waterfront!


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