Homemade Ice Cream with Trader Joe's Mini Peppermint Waffle Cookies

One of the reasons December is the month to remember is because of all the holiday treats.  I discovered something very dangerous to my waistline.  Homemade Ice Cream!  I received an ice cream maker years ago as a gift and I never used it.  How silly of me, right?  Yesterday, I made some and it was love, really.  It turned out so creamy and fluffy and I even used some Mini Peppermint Waffle Cookies from Trader Joe's as an add-in.  The end result was minty, sweet, and oh so good.  My ice cream maker makes one quart, so when I was done I had two pints of frozen goodness to squirrel away in the freezer. 

Easy Vanilla Ice Cream
1 cup sugar
2 t. lemon juice
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 cup milk
1 t. vanilla extract
Combine all ingredients, mixing well.  Start the freezer and pour mixture through hole in lid.  Freeze until desired consistency or unit stops. 
This recipe is from my Hamilton Beach Ice Cream maker.  For best results, I froze the cylinder bowl of the unit the day before in the freezer and also made my cream base the day before. 

The tasty Mini Peppermint Waffle Cookies from Trader Joe's.  I took about one cup and crushed the cookies into small pieces before adding them to the ice cream. 

After the ice cream churned about twenty minutes, it was all done.  My unit runs on electricity so all I had to do was listen for the churning to stop. 

And, presto! All served up in a bowl with a mini cookie on top. 


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