Oreo's 100th Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to the Oreo Cookie!  Oreo's are the most popular cookie ever and were created in 1912 in Chelsea, New York.  I never knew Oreo's had been around that long. You can eat them many different ways, but I like to just bite into them like a sandwich.  How do you enjoy your Oreo's?

To celebrate the popular cookie on my blog, I uploaded some Oreo photos I took and also a recipe for Oreo Truffles which I made this past Christmas. 

Here is my recipe for Oreo Truffles.  The recipe is originally from www.motherthyme.com.  These truffles melt in your mouth.  They have crushed up oreos with cream cheese and then they are covered in melted chocolate.  You can decorate them however you want.  I used red sprinkes because it was Christmas time, but you can roll them in white chocolate, or place Hershey kisses or caramel pieces in the center of each truffle.  They also freeze well too.  Around Christmas time, I make goodies to eat and then freeze about half of them to enjoy on Christmas Eve too.  This recipe is simple and the truffles are oh so good! 

Oreo Truffles

Makes 28 Truffles

15.25 oz package chocolate creme Oreo Cookies
8 oz package of cream cheese
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
sprinkles (optional)

Break up Oreo cookies and place in food processor.  Blend on highest speed until cookies are finely chopped.  Mix cookie crumbs with cream cheese until well combined.  Chill mixture in refrigerator for 30 minutes.  Make tablespoon size balls and place on wax paper.  Chill balls in refrigerator for another 15 minutes.  Melt chocolate using a double broiler or in microwave.  Let melted chocolate cool slightly and roll truffle balls in chocolate.  Place back on wax paper.  Top with sprinkles.  Place in refrigerator until chocolate hardens.  Store in air tight containers.


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