Wedding Cake

Well summer is here! You know what that means.  Wedding Season! I have some upcoming Weddings I'll be shooting and I'm getting excited.  I love Weddings.  From the bride getting ready to walk down the aisle to her dream groom, the exhanging of the vows, their first kiss as man and wife, to their first dance, and of course, one of my favorite things, the cutting of the cake.  Now I love cake.  Cake is my favorite dessert by far and especially the thick buttercream on top.  From cupcakes to wedding cake, to homemade, I love it all.  When I see the cake at Weddings I do, I rush up to it and probably take too many photos of it, wanting to caputure every angle.  No matter how busy I am photography the Reception, I always spare three or four minutes to polish off a slice.  Then I'm on a sugar high the rest of the Wedding and I love it!

To see more of my Wedding Photography, you can click here for my website.

Here's to a happy Wedding season.  To all you happy couples getting married, congrats, and don't forget to enjoy your cake! This is the one day where you can have your cake and eat it too!


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